It's another
pitch-black Alentejo night but a new moon lurks just below the horizon. The
vast, star-spangled Iberian night sky is utterly cloudless. Nighttime Alentejo
is spectacular no matter which way I turn my head, whether it's to behold the
heavens or to become mildly mesmerized by the shimmering lights of nearby
On such balmy
Alentejo evenings, I often feel reluctant to retire for the night. A
magnificent Portuguese night sky defies any need for slumber as I stand and
gaze at the constellations. Every one of my sensibilities suggest that
somewhere, out there, there surely must be some form of extraterrestrial
Like many
others, I love a decent space movie. Stephen Spielberg's E.T. was an absolute
stroke of genius. It still holds its own as a feast of excellent story-telling
even to this day. OK, the movie is the embodiment of 1980's style film-making,
but that's not altogether a bad thing because who doesn't love the charm and
escapism of great movies like Ghostbusters or Back to the Future?
"E.T. moment" has been reimagined many times since the great man
weaved his movie-making aplomb all those years ago. Thought-provoking films
such as Independence Day (and its sequel) have thrilled and entertained through
the decades.
All the while,
real-life astronomers have been busily combing the cosmos with mighty
telescopes, wondering if ever there will come a day when they might stop, focus
- and gasp! Perhaps, amidst some feeble rays picked up from some distant
galaxy, one of those great telescopes will detect a weak but definite signal?
Whether we choose to believe this sort of thing or not, we can all agree on one
thing at least? However unlikely such a moment might actually be, it would be
utterly transformative if (or when) it ever did transpire?
Never say never
One thing
recent events (such as Covid-19) have taught us, is to never say never. I
wonder how many of us thought that we'd see a return to 'cold war' hostilities
between East and West in our post-glasnost world of relative harmony? Last
year, who could have realistically believed that we'd see a post-Soviet Russian
administration making threatening noises about using nuclear weapons?
Many of us
might choose to console ourselves with the notion that the powers-that-be must
surely be prepared for an eventuality such as alien contact.
But, are they?
Let's face it,
most of us thought that 'the world' could face down a distinctly terrestrial
foe like Covid-19. Whilst many good things were done to help save lives and
mitigate the worst of the pandemic, some might suggest that (on the whole) we
didn't collectively handle it as well as we might have done? Most countries
were woefully unprepared, despite knowing that a threat existed. Agendas and
politics got in the way of pragmatism. Instead of having a globally coordinated
effort to try and contain the virus, humanity descended into a state of chaos.
Far from having a collaborative approach, protectionism reigned within a
strange climate of thoroughly illogical conspiracy theories and general mumbo-jumbo.
An Impending
global cataclysm (in the form of a planet-killing asteroid impact), is
brilliantly depicted in the Leonardo DiCaprio movie "Don't Look Up."
The story hypothesizes how utterly rudderless the world would probably be if
humanity pinned all its hopes on those we consider to be 'the great and the
good.' The movie shows how politicians are only good at politicking. Many
seemed utterly inadequate when the poop actually hit the fans.
How to react?
Beyond the
world of science fiction, the real question is, who would decide how to react
should there ever be solid proof that aliens do exist? Many will find this
question ridiculous and superfluous. Vast physical distances between Earth and
any potentially habitable planets make contact (using known technologies)
almost impossible.
However, alien
contact is a possibility that's being seriously contemplated by SETI (Search
for Extraterrestrial Intelligence). SETI are actually putting together
something called a ‘post-detection Hub’ at St Andrews in Scotland. The aim of
this Hub is to bring together a bunch of international researchers who will
assume the role of 'getting humanity ready'. They will analyze any mysterious
signals and work out how we might one day respond.
To date, SETI
has focussed on searching for radio signals. Potential dilemmas only arise if
(or when) these people actually do find some sort of tangible evidence of alien
contact. The dilemma is: no one quite knows what would be done about it
because, frankly, there are no strategies or protocols in place.
Since 1992,
when astronomers first confirmed that a planet exists beyond our own solar
system, more than 5,000 more have been detected. This has fired up even more
enthusiasm in the search for extraterrestrial life. With every new world
detected, the likelihood that we're alone in this vast universe looks more and
more like the stuff of fantasy. Scientists suspect that most of the 300bn stars
in our Milky Way Galaxy alone host their own solar systems. The tide of
scientific opinion is turning more towards the notion that extraterrestrial
life really does exist.
powerful telescopes are devoting time and effort to the search for ET. These
advanced telescopes have opened up great expanses of the universe for
astronomers to study. SETI already has some tentative guidelines on how to
react if they ever do detect any interstellar messages. There's consensus that
researchers should inform the public as well as the UN Secretary General in
such circumstances. However, there's little guidance on what to do next. How
should any messages be studied and by whom? Should any messages be made public
before being deciphered? Would governments act together as 'a planet?' Should
we respond? If so, who decides what messages we send back?
I can imagine
that the societal impact would be chaotic if any messages were ever detected.
The media frenzy alone would be out of control, creating the potential for
disinformation. Responses from the religious hierarchy would be varied and
contentious, leading to profound consequences for most religious belief
post-detection Hub at St Andrews will bring together people with the right
mindset to help draw up coherent plans on how to tackle whatever scenarios we
might encounter. The other objective is to gain some serious engagement from
the UN. Many feel that the UN would be the only organisation with enough
influence to coordinate any global response.
As we stand,
the science community is divided. The prospect of responding to any messages
worried Stephen Hawking. He warned that any first contact with aliens could
potentially go the same way as what happened when Native Americans encountered
Europeans. Hawkings declared how that encounter “didn’t turn out too
well". Others have a more optimistic outlook, believing it would be a
shame if advanced civilisations kept themselves to themselves and made no
effort to communicate.
Time for bed,
I think. The Alentejo night sky does strange things to me. Or is it the wine?
Douglas Hughes is a UK-based writer producing general interest articles ranging from travel pieces to classic motoring.

Doug, great article. Yes, maybe for now we’ll say to much wine and the night sky. Governments are trying to figure out ET when they have much to solve here on earth, which neither will have solutions to or be resolved until they are faced with it.
By Laura Frigon from Açores on 14 Jan 2023, 00:20