There was another mass killing in Texas on Saturday in the border city of Brownsville, but it was by car, so it doesn’t count. Never mind. We still have enough to work with.
Start with striking quotes from the relevant authorities. “We walked around like zombies for 24 hours, not believing what has happened and looking for reasons,” said Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who began his political career as a far-right Serbian nationalist during the Yugoslav civil wars.
Those wars were horrific, but they ended thirty years ago. Vučić’s shock was real, because the last mass killing in Serbia was ten years ago, and because one of the mass murderers was only 13 years old.
By contrast, the official response in Texas was routine, almost perfunctory. Texas Governor Greg Abbott called the shooting an “unspeakable tragedy”, but proposed no steps to prevent the next one. The local mayor, Ken Fulk, said that “Allen is a proud and safe city, which makes today's senseless act of violence even more shocking.”
Really? There are ‘safe cities’ in Texas?
Having established Americans as habitual offenders and Serbs as shocked innocents, we now contrast the sane and serious Serbian proposals for stopping more gun massacres with the Americans’ fatalistic shrug. President Vučić is promising to do at once all the things that US gun-control campaigners have failed to get on the political agenda for decades.
In a nationwide TV broadcast, Vučić announced “an almost complete disarming” of the country: “We will conduct a revision of all people who possess firearms, around 400,000 of them. [Serbia’s total population is about 6.6 million.] After these checks, there will be no more than 30,000 to 40,000 weapons legally owned.”
Penalties for illegal possession of firearms will be doubled. The remaining licensed gun owners will face frequent psychiatric tests and random drug tests. So much for the permit-holders and their legal weapons.
However, Serbia is also awash with military weapons that soldiers took home with them after the Balkan wars of the 1990s – maybe a million of them. There will be a one-month amnesty to turn them in, but what will happen to those who don’t? “If they do not hand them over, we will find them, and the consequences will be dire for them,” Vučić said.
What a man! Why doesn’t America have somebody like Vučić to end the gun slaughter? (American gun deaths are running at around 50,000 a year, although half of them are suicides.) What the United States needs is a hero to just sweep the guns aside! Etc., etc.
The opinion piece practically writes itself. Indeed, ten thousand versions of it are being written by ChatGPT right now. But it’s all nonsense.
Vučić is just saying what he thinks people want to hear right now. When he worked for the monster Slobodan Milosevic and Serbs wanted to hear that the massacres their own people were committing in Bosnia, Croatia, and Kosovo were justified, that’s what he told them. His own history shows that his words and his deeds rarely match.
There will be no mass disarmament in Serbia: that’s not how Vučić plans to spend his political capital. But while Serbs come second in the world for gun ownership (58 guns per hundred residents, compared to 120 per hundred in the United States), they only kill a quarter as many people per capita with guns. The Serbs’ problem is not really all that bad.
America’s problem is very bad, but it’s mostly cultural and political. Those who own guns own lots of them, but only three out of ten American adults own a gun at all. Gun ownership is almost twice as high in the southern states (the old Confederacy) as it is in the urban northeast (where the gun murder rate is almost down at the Canadian level).
And while Americans (or at least some Americans) obsess about the high gun murder rate, they ignore the fact that most Latin American countries, from Mexico to Brazil, have even higher rates. So do many English-speaking islands in the Caribbean. Is there some common factor, current or historical, that drives up gun ownership rates in the Americas?
And why don’t the Latin Americans have much by the way of gun massacres by random crazies, even though they have more guns around? We know far less about the relationship between guns and murder than we think we do, and a little humility would go a long way on both sides.
Gwynne Dyer is an independent journalist whose articles are published in 45 countries.

Thank You Gwynne for your thoughtful and relevant article which I agree with almost all of except about Americans being aware of the amount of gun Latin America has. WE DON'T CARE! We are so torn apart mentally and in constant grief, fear and mourning we are just going through the motions. Biden and the Dems has the wartime machine guns nixed with Obama but Trump reversed the law for mentally ill to be refused and background checks. Last Tuesday's massacre by the guy in the hospital and Saturday's mall massacre (one woman had NO FACE just brains in her head covering her alive son covered in blood; mentally devastating for us, not safe anywhere. Guns should be outlawed, simple like that.
I'm sure you know this but didn't mention the problem. 87% of Americans want war rifles banned, background checks and 21+ to own a pistol. The National Rifle Assn. FUNDS most of the Republican candidates with so much advertising and lies, they win so they have bought all the Republican congresspeople who control Congress by a majority of 5 and will never send a gun law bill to the Democratic Senate majority by 2 who could approve it. So it's going to stay like that unless people voters in 2024 are smart enough to read and do research on who they are electing instead of watching Right Wing Conspiracy Theory Fox News which is not regulated because they are not a news station, they're "Infotainment" like a show that sell you hair miracles. Social Media bots are also where younger people get their news, like zombies looking at the phone even walking the dog. Very sad what the US has become, wrong direction, glad I bought to move to Portugal!
By Wesley from USA on 09 May 2023, 04:33
A misguided and incoherent article. The problem is not guns, but some of the people who own them. Most gun owners are sensible, responsible people who would only use their weapon in self defence, never to attack first. Why should these owners be punished for the misdeeds of a tiny minority, by losing their right to bear arms?
If they didn't have guns, criminals would kill with another weapon such as a knife. Plenty of examples of knife crime and murders in the large cities of the UK, where gun ownership is low.
Guns are so prolific in the US that restricting or banning them would only leave them in the hands of organised criminals. That would be an even worse outcome, leaving the honest citizen without a viable means of defense. You cannot change the habits of the last 250 years overnight.
By Billy Bissett from Porto on 11 May 2023, 10:39