The superb hotel generously donated space, facilities, technology, food and even champagne to create a wonderful afternoon raising a magnificent sum of around 10,000€ all from a simple tea party!
Dressed in every shade possible of Pink and decorating their faces with delicate glittery face paintings, the guests dined on scrumptious pink cakes, sandwiches, and even pink mini hamburgers.

The very vibrant audience heard an enthusiastic speech by Katherine Nichols to motivate us all to 'Dream of a Cancer-Free World'. Dr Raquel, Oncology Specialist at Loulé Hospital told about new developments in the treatment of cancer, and nurse Karen Morgan helped to examine breasts and talk to those troubled.
This event brought together the community spirit, with all ages and nationalities rejoicing in the survival of this disease, celebrated with prizes, music, dancing with the beautiful April Lee Fields, and a signature cocktail "Think Pink".
Maria de Lourdes Santos, President of Assos Oncológica do Algarve was stunned by the support and funds raised! The funds will be used to renew the tomosynthesis technology in the Algarve for better detection and treatment of Breast Cancer. In 2025 the AOA will begin building a centre in Faro, ' Casa Flor das Dunas' which will offer accommodation while undergoing Cancer Radiography and all relevant therapies under one roof.
Special thanks go to the team responsible for making it happen - Rachel, Wendy, Marylyn, Michelle, Clive, Tony, Gwenda and Jan.
The moral of the story is to check your breasts but remember to party too.