Whilst the increasing number of cats are not the most favoured subject, the Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, recently met with ARA, outside of Loulé. Their shelter ‘Cabanita’ hosts 100 dogs and 50 cats at any one time. Sid Richardson, founder and owner has more than just 50 cats on his agenda. His Animal Rescue Algarve has managed to capture and sterilise around 1,535 feral felines in the past year alone. “The next target is 2,000!” Sid’s General Manager João Ferreira has just taken in another canine amputee. “We’ll see how he gets on.” Visitors are at first wary but when they see the dog in full action on back legs large smiles take over from worried frowns. Hopping happily kangaroo-style.

Jenny’s most recent visit with Terry, a relative newcomer to the Algarve, and resting in between jobs as they say, from full time legal-eagle to animal-welfare worker has taken in the whole stunning idea of shelters starting at ‘Cabanita’. “I don’t think it is fair to use this magnificent re-homing paradise as an average. It is after all a treasure amongst homes for abandoned, abused animals.” Jenny introduced Terry to ARA hoping that there may be some spare time for assisting the two associations, and others in their fight for the animal welfare rights. Especially with the near catastrophic news that there would be no steralisation funding from the Government for the following year.
“Angry and disappointed, we were, until the restoration of the 13 or so million euros had been announced. After a lot of petitioning and ‘shouting’ we have to breathe a sigh of relief.” Fighting for the animal welfare rights has to continue. Legislation, and re-introducing abusive cruelty to animals as a criminal offence, one way or another! Jenny, Sid and other associations have agreed that the future must ensure a safety net for all our four-pawed furry friends. Interested?
Contact: info.apaaportugal@gmail.com