Jenny Clarke, President of the Association for Protection of Animals Algarve, almost speechless after the government announced the 2025 Animal Welfare Budget would be withdrawn. Sending similar ripples amongst the Algarve’s animal welfare community. An online petition whipped up. Finally, reprieve the 13€Million was reinstated with an additional amount, yet to be confirmed. A huge sigh of relief. “Thank heavens, we need every centimos we can get. And more!” APAA inundated with questions from far and wide. “When we look at the amount of money needed and received, we have a really cavernous shortfall.” Whilst ‘Here to Help’ is APAA’s motto, they can only stretch the elastic as far as it can go without something snapping. “Many shelters and associations don’t know where to start. It’s a huge mess.”
The most important and chronic of all problems is the feral cat issue. “Although hundreds of feral cat-colonies have been created, more are needed.” APAA’s SNiP campaign has worked for over 30 years and it is applauded that most if not all animal welfare workers across the Algarve share the kudos for its continued success. APAA have Snip’d some 200 cats between January and October 2024, with other many felines ear-marked for the future.
“It all costs. Something you can’t do on the cheap it’s a financial nightmare.” APAA’s friends at ARA’s ‘Cabanita’; a wonderful shelter outside of Loulé, agree. Primarily it was started as an animal rescue centre for abandoned animals. Sid Richardson, founder and owner launched into the almost impossible feral cat problem. Establishing cat-dwellings in several parishes. “Where there’s space and can get permission there is a feral cat-colony installed.” But they need looking after; cat-catchers, people to take the animals to the vets. Costs are horrendous. Recuperation. Returning to their colonies or being introduced to one. João Ferreira, General Manager of ‘Cabanita’ adopted several amputee-canine-pals into his own home. “Every animal deserves a chance. We give it to them.” He has a good energetic team that helps with the 100 dogs and 50 cats. “The figures change from time-to-time.” He smiles.
Carvoeiro Cat Charity another success story, although a smaller set-up, it is run with love and devotion. Corinna has managed to sterilise 67 male and 38 female cats this year. “We desperately need more money. We get funds but not enough. Private donations and help always relied upon.” APAA just delivered 200 kilos of cat sand. “Just in time!” St. Bartolemeu de Messines hosts ‘Wigglestail’, a sanctuary with 53 dogs and17 cats and a variety of farm animals. Sofia has ICNF* funding but she too needs that extra amount. “It all helps, but does not go far enough.” Their animals are sterilised. They have to be fed. Vet fees. Costs are met by accommodating caravans, motorhomes and tents for camping, often volunteers turn up and help out.

Further along the EN125 near Lagos is Cadela Carlota. Ruth has been there since 2008, managing to raise enough money to buy the land. APAA have also helped with donations. “We have about 80 dogs at the main shelter here and a cat-colony of 60 outside Lagos.” The same story. Vet fees, feeding, the list is endless. “We have rescued packs of dogs and re-home them here.” Finding final suitable homes always a priority. Staffed by volunteers. Dog-walkers always welcomed. (Funding ICNF).
The unfortunate cruelty which is prevalent amongst the communities needs to be addressed. “There was a move to criminalise animal cruelty.” João and several ARA team members marched January 2023 to voice protests against the lack of government welfare rules and laws for animals. “Nothing much changed.” But he is determined. Jenny a frequent visitor, continually discussing the problem. “Animal cruelty was de-criminalised and now there is no real recourse except through education.” Taking dogs with missing limbs an eye-opener to the youngsters. APAA and ARA are determined to make a change. “Joining together we can do it!” Lobbying PAN (People Animals Nature Party). “Anyone who will listen and take that step forward.” Total agreement.
However; the problem we would say, is the law. Enshrined in the 1975/6 constitution, where (briefly) Article 32, protects its citizens from being imprisoned for cruelty to an animal. As this would infringe upon his or her (human) rights. Despite the ‘Animal Protection Law’ which sets out the care and protection of animals. “…and they must not be subjected to abuse or neglect.”

What is agreed amongst all those who have contributed to this article enabling this ‘protection’ is more fair funding from a known answerable central point. Accountability. Acknowledgement of the communities work with animal welfare by subsidising the vet fees, so that all animals at risk can receive treatment. Especially sterilisation.
Cadela Carlotta & Companhia Associação:
Carvoeiro Cat Charity:
*ICNF (Institute for Nature Conservation & Forests).