From 26 December, 2024 to 1 January 2025
In this fifth week of the Seven Sacred Weeks, we charge mankind, the Earth, and all life on this planet with the Green Ray of Truth, Healing, and Consecration.
eloved Master Hilarion, the Chohan of the Green Ray, supervises all activities during this Green Week. People under the influence of the Green Ray tend to develop scientific talents. This flame is generally a source of inspiration for doctors, scientists, and nurses.
Last week, we sealed our goals with the Purity of the White Flame. Now, during Green Week, we will reinforce the power of concentration, which is essential to fulfilling our mission.
The Seven Masters who pour their blessings this week under the guidance of Hilarion are:
Elohim Cyclopea
God Harmony
Paul the Venetian
Elohim of Peace
Master Serapis Bey
Micah the Cosmic Angel
Mighty Victory.
On day 29 of the Seven Sacred Weeks, the Elohim Cyclopea wishes to expand the Sevenfold Flame of the Elohim in our foreheads. It greatly expands our inner vision and hearing. On day 30, the God Harmony wishes to charge our auras with His Cosmic Flame of Cosmic Harmony from Venus. On day 31, Master Paul The Venetian aims to bless us with His Feeling of Brotherhood. On day 32, Elohim Of Peace will charge our consciousness with His Immortal Peace. On day 33, Master Serapis Bey will pour His Sacred Fire of Ascension upon us. It greatly accelerates our frequencies. On Day 34, New Year’s Eve, Micah the Cosmic Angel will charge the planetary consciousness with Sacred Fire of Love and Unity. On day 35, concluding Green Week on New Year’s, Mighty Victory will seal our 2025 in His Invincible Flame of Love and Victory.
This week is fundamental to strengthening our power of concentration. Nowadays, we are impacted daily by avalanches of information that often hypnotize us, causing us to forget our purposes. The Green Flame helps us stay alert and focused on our projects.
Dear readers, this week is full of special events:
From the 28 to 31 December we have the Violet Fire Lake Activity, where lightworkers can bathe and relieve themselves of the weight gained during the year, as long as it has not been intentionally built.

On 31 December we must burn our Karmic Petition and mentally send the energy to the Lords of Karma at the Royal Teton. We are also warmly invited to join a glorious feast at this Retreat. If you wish to participate, simply make this wish before you go to sleep on this day.
On 31 December and 1 January, the Golden Petal of the Threefold Flame is activated within our hearts. In the live meditation, we perform this activation.
On 1 January, we received the Mantra and Thoughtform for the year 2025 from the Planetary Silent Watcher.
More details of these events can be found in the booklet of the Seven Sacred Weeks and in the messages that will be posted in the Facebook group.
As always, you are warmly invited to join our daily live meditation at 2pm Portuguese Time.
1. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Facebook group:
2.Morgan Le Fay’s Facebook page:
3. Morgan Le Fay’s YouTube channel:
4. The Seven Sacred Weeks’ Instagram:
Morgan Le Fay, a messenger of the Ascended Masters, began her spiritual journey in 1995 during a night vision that provided insights into the mystery of resurrection. 2008, Master Saint Germain contacted her and began teaching her about the I AM Presence. In 2017, under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, she started leading lightworkers during the Seven Sacred Weeks. Since then, she has channeled three books containing information about this Cosmic Activity and dictations from the Ascended Masters. Her books are free for download in her welcoming Facebook group “The Seven Sacred Weeks.”