The first lecture will be at 2.30pm at the Museu do Traje in São Brás de Alportel, and the second lecture will be at 6pm at the Convento de São José in Lagoa.
This presentation follows on from a talk delivered to the AAA by Pete Siegfried in 2023 on the geology and rocks of the Algarve region. Pete will further develop this theme with details on the origin of the covering soils in general and in this region in particular. Soils are often referred to as the critical zone, as without soils the forests, meadows and vegetation covering parts of the planet could not exist. Furthermore, agriculture and our very survival depends on soils. In fact, all throughout archaeological history many of the same conclusions may be drawn as to the value of soil.

The talk will start off with a general review of geology and a demonstration of the types of soils which may develop from rocks under different climate regimes. The soils of the Algarve will be shown to be not only a reflection of the immediate underlying rocks, but also vital in determining where early peoples decided to live, hunt and feed and later grow grains and fruits. These focal points will be contrasted with other areas of early global cultivation and how the nature of soils dictated crops, animal husbandry and most importantly society’s role.
Pete Siegfried is a consulting geologist working across the globe searching for raw materials which are used in the agricultural industry and minerals which are assisting with the decarbonization of the planet. He lives in Monchique and with a passion for nepheline syenite, a local rock, is right at home.

Non-members are welcome to attend AAA lectures for a 5-euro admission fee, with all money raised by the AAA being used for archaeological grants and speakers. For more information contact, visit or Facebook 'Algarve Archaeological Association'. Please check the website or Facebook page for any last-minute changes.
Press release by Jane Robertson